Collage Maker 13 Jul 2023 03 29 PM 6003

Energy For Farmers – The Dairy Sector

Across the UK, farm businesses are feeling pressure to become more energy efficient. Dairy farmers are no exception to this rule – milk cooling, water heating, and vacuum pumps amount to some serious energy use. However, it is these areas that offer scope for the largest savings. Each of these areas will usually account for around 20-30% of electricity consumption on a typical dairy farm. 

With this, comes a massive range in total energy use – either electricity or fuel. The variation is due to many factors, from fuel use to the proportion of the more expensive day tariff electricity used to, to unit cost. With profit margins often being slim there is a firm need to review all business costs, including electricity and diesel. 

The first step that anyone can take to improve their efficiency is to attempt to identify the main consumers of electricity. Following on from this, recording consumption, collecting data from bills, and reading meters regularly or installing smart meters. 

Next, ensure that your farm business is on the best possible tariff and maximise the use of off-peak electricity where possible. Even basic measures such as timer switches, lagging pipes, replacing halogen floodlights with sodium lights, and ensuring equipment is clean and well maintained will make a big difference. 

Even half an hour spent cleaning condensers with a low-pressure hose and a soft brush will have an immediate pay off. If possible, ensuring that condensers are well located to avoid recirculating warm exhaust air. 

High capital costs often mean that the scale of energy savings is unlikely to warrant replacement for most equipment, so working out the simple payback for energy efficiency projects is a good way to prioritise. Electricity makes up around 4% of the variable cost of producing milk, so although this is a large figure, it should be kept in mind before wholesale investment.  

As you can tell, there are a lot of techniques and tricks to cut energy consumption. Some you may already know about, some you may not. Unfortunately, a lot of these solutions are only short-lived and take a lot of time to implement.  

Keep reading to find out the best long-term solution to reducing energy costs for dairy farmers. 

Short-term Solutions 


Turn of lights whenever they are not needed. This can be achieved through installation of timers, photo sensors, or motion sensors to automate control of lighting. Motion sensors may not be suitable for barns or similar areas. Low-cost alternatives could simply be training staff to make sure light switches are turned off. In spaces where natural lighting is available, dimmable lights could be implemented. 


Cows only typically begin to get heat stress at around 74 degrees Fahrenheit and 75% humidity. Whenever temperatures are below this level, energy can be saved by turning off or reducing fan use.  

Refrigeration temperatures 

Refrigeration units should always be set at appropriate safe temperatures, but should not be cooler than necessary. 

Pressure in compressors 

It is possible to lower the pressure in your air compressors to a level that meets your needs but is not any higher than necessary. Reducing by around 20 pounds per square inch could reduce energy costs by about 10%. Further to this, you’ll also reduce the rate at which air leaves through leaks in the system and extend the life of your equipment. 

Reduce temperature settings in water heaters 

Turning water-heaters down even slightly could decrease water-heating costs by 5%. It is crucial to keep temperatures above process requirements, but no more than is needed. 

Clean heat-exchanger coils 

Every few months cleaning the heat exchangers in milk-cooling systems will keep them operating properly. A thorough cleaning of coils can reduce milk cooling costs by about 5%. 

Clean fans 

By cleaning fans and shutters used to provide ventilation and circulation you will make more than just energy savings. Dirty fans and shutters can reduce ventilation efficiencies by as much as 40%, and also massively increase the risk of a fire. Lubricating any motor bearings and shutter pivot points regularly and checking fan blades for damage ensures ventilation remains working efficiently. 

Keep lights clean 

Cleaning lighting fixtures and bulbs will ensure that they perform optimally, especially if you have already implemented dimmers.  

Check water heaters 

Checking for and minimising corrosion in your water heater can boost its efficiency. If needed, replacing aging anode rods on electric water heaters will dramatically increase the heater’s lifetime. Gas combustion burners, although uncommon, should be checked annually by opening the combustion chamber hatch and looking inside. If it appears blackened, a professional should be called to investigate further. 

Conserve water 

Reducing the amount of water used will also reduce water-heating costs. If possible, have your equipment dealer tune up your pipeline-washing system. This could reduce the amount of water needed to wash dairy equipment, thus reducing the amount of water heating needed. 

Check pumps 

Cleaning and maintaining pumps periodically will ensure that they keep performing well. Any motors that become dusty can overheat easily, decreasing efficiency and overall lifetime of pumps. Poor contact on motor power terminals can cause the motor to fail prematurely, so checking monthly will ensure they remain tight. If your pump is hot directly after milking then you may need to perform an adjustment, repair, or thorough cleaning. 

Replace pump and fan belts 

Most motors will use belts to transfer power. Standard v-belt drives are very common as they are inexpensive, however they are not very efficient. As they age, worn belts lose efficiency and become slack as the grip surface wears out, causing the belt to slip. Cogged v-belts offer a solution to this, often offering a 2-5% efficiency gain. 

A ready-made solution for Dairy Farmers  

Flexible contracts are a relatively new contract type that helps to pass on the benefits of the wholesale energy market to consumers. The price that consumers will pay for their energy is strongly dependent on the movements in wholesale market, meaning that there are opportunities presented during periods of volatility.   

As you can imagine, flexible energy contracts are exactly that – flexible.   

The predictable portion of customer energy use can be thought of as the bulk of their demand, with most businesses able to provide very accurate estimations of this through smart meters, sub-meters, and even energy audits. The peak is essentially the spike in demand outside of this predictable consumption – this then forms the tradeable volume that is able to be traded within flexible contracts.   

You purchase too much energy and your baseload and peak volumes exceed your profile? Well, just sell the excess back to the supplier.  

You don’t purchase enough energy to cover baseload and peak volumes? Well, just top up with a little extra.  

For those farmers that need that additional flexibility, it’s a game changer.  

The long-term solution – Why Farming and Energy Brokerage go Hand-in-Hand  

One thing that is universal with all sectors of farming is the long hours and physically demanding nature of the job.  

After a long shift the last thing you want to do is to return home and think about energy. Dealing with suppliers, complex calculations, paperwork, long phone calls, complex jargon, and even more paperwork…  

We don’t blame you.  

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on your side to alleviate the load when it comes to energy?   

That’s when partnering with an energy procurement specialist comes in handy. Acting as a knowledgeable consultant for everything energy, they’ll keep you on the best possible energy contract available to you. Saving you money and time to spend on whatever else you’d rather be doing.  

Energy Solutions by Us, for You        

At a time of great uncertainty in global energy markets, it is easy to feel lost in it all.       

Keeping up to date with developing situations and the associated ramifications is a tricky and time-consuming job. It is also one that is not likely a priority for you and your business.     

So, what do you do?      

You partner with energy procurement experts to take the load off of your desk.      

Energy Solutions have been trusted brokers for countless businesses for over twenty years, which means we know how to navigate the energy markets during a time of uncertainty.      

Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your business      


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