The electricity distribution network carries electricity from the high voltage transmission grid, which is owned and operated by the National Grid, to industrial, commercial and domestic users. The distribution network stops at the electricity meter, which is owned by the meter operator.
Your energy supplier is not the same as your network operator or meter operator. This is one of the reasons that arranging a new supply can be a long and difficult process.
There are 14 licensed distribution network operators or DNOs in Britain and each is responsible for a regional distribution services area. The 14 DNOs are currently owned by six different groups. The DNOs are sometimes referred to as Pes Areas. PES means Public Electricity Suppliers and refers to the original post-privatisation suppliers.
The DNO groups and individual DNOs are:
- Electricity North West Limited
PES/DNO Area: Norweb, 16 - Northern Powergrid
- Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited
PES/DNO Area: Northern Electric, 15 - Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc
PES/DNO Area: Yorkshire, 23
- Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited
- Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
- Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc
PES/DNO Area: Scottish Hydro, 17 - Southern Electric Power Distribution plc
PES/DNO Area: Southern, 20
- Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc
- ScottishPower SP Energy Networks
- SP Distribution Ltd
PES/DNO Area: Scottish Power, 18 - SP Manweb plc
PES/DNO Area: Manweb, 13
- SP Distribution Ltd
- UK Power Networks
- London Power Networks plc
PES/DNO Area: London, 12 - South Eastern Power Networks plc
PES/DNO Area: Seeboard, 19 - Eastern Power Networks plc
PES/DNO Area: Eastern, 10
- London Power Networks plc
- Western Power Distribution
- Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) plc
PES/DNO Area: East Midlands, 11 - Western Power Distribution (West Midlands) plc
PES/DNO Area: West Midlands, 14 - Western Power Distribution (South West) plc
PES/DNO Area: South Western, 22 - Western Power Distribution (South Wales) plc
PES/DNO Area: Swalec, 21
- Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) plc
DNO Distribution Network Operator Map

If you’re not sure which area you’re in, you can use our handy PES Area search.